Make A Donation
Ways to Make a Difference.
Scholarship Assistance Program
Growing our assistance program so we can increase the amount of financial aid awarded each year to students is an important part of our Strategic Plan. To defray the financial burden of tuition on the student and the family, Cristo Rey High School works to provide direct financial aid to 92% of the student body, offsetting an average of 74% ($1,700) of the family’s financial responsibility. In total, over $550,000 of aid is provided to our students. Scholarship awards are based on family need, and range from less than 10% of the family obligation to full support.
Annual Fund
Normal support of the Cristo Rey High School operating budget, an important need and high priority for the school, is usually given through these means. Gifts may also be restricted for a specific purpose, or to capital or endowed programs. The most common forms of gift giving are by cash, check, or credit card.
In Memory of a Loved One / To Honor a Loved One
It is a privilege for Cristo Rey High School to honor and memorialize members of the Cristo Rey family. Gifts "in honor of" or "in memory of" will receive special handling. Donors will be acknowledged for their tax deductible gift and family members will be notified of all gifts made in the name of a loved one.
Matching Gifts
Many businesses and corporations match personal gifts to educational institutions made by employees, retirees, and their family members. Your own company’s personnel office will be happy to provide you with information about its matching gift program.
Securities/Stock Gifts
Gifts of appreciated securities may be deducted at fair market value on the date of transfer to the school. These gifts are valued at the mean of the high and low quotations on the date of transfer. Gifts such as these may produce significant tax advantages to the donor as long-term securities may have appreciated in value.
Planned Giving
Gift annuities, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts, and bequests are examples of planned giving. By making such a gift to Cristo Rey you not only contribute to the school’s future, in many instances you may enjoy a tax deduction or avoid capital gains or estate taxes.
For more information please contact Paula Mumm. Phone: (916)-733-2660 ext 3300. Email: pmumm@crhss.org
Cristo Rey High School Sacramento accepts online donations through Paypal, allowing you to donate money with your paypal account, or with a major credit card. Please click below to donate - you will be redirected to our donation page at paypal.com
Gift in Kind Donations
- White Multi-Purpose Copy Paper
- Whiteboards
- Whiteboard Markers & Whiteboard Erasers (Black, Blue, Red, Green)
- Whiteboard Cleaner
- Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
- Graphing Paper
- College Ruled Binder Paper
- Single Subject Notebooks
- 2-Pocket Color Folders
- Scissors
- School Glue Sticks
- Manilla Folders 1/3 cut letter
- Size 10 Plain Envelopes
- Kleenex
- Postage Stamps
- No.2 Pencils
- AAA Batteries
- First Aid Supplies (Band-Aids, ice packs, Neosporin)
- Post It Notes
- Colored Copy Paper
- Binder Paper
- Card Stock
- Index Cards (3X5)
- Card Stock
- Sanitizer Pumps
General Contributions