President's Message
Welcome to Cristo Rey High School Sacramento, a community that is committed to effecting transformational change at every level. We teach not simply for the grade but to form critical thinkers who will be attentive to the wellbeing of others. We work in businesses throughout the Sacramento area not simply to develop skills but to help reveal gifts, make clear dreams, and broaden horizons. We are a part of teams, clubs, and countless co-curriculars not simply to be well rounded but to build bonds that foster true community.
Yes, we work hard, pray sincerely, and do our best, and we do it not for our own sake but for the greater glory of God. This is who we are; this is what the Cristo Rey Sacramento mission is about.
It is this very mission that results in our hope being outrageously bold — hope in the power of education, hope in the goodness of others, hope in the potential of each and every one of our students. Our community is too often faced with a lack of opportunities and paralyzing poverty. But because we know that our world is awash in grace and goodness, we hope in our mission with excitement for a future that we know is bright!
Will you join us in this mission? Will you be a part of this transformational change? Whether as a student or employee, partner or supporter, we need and welcome all who seek to lift up and live out this mission!
¡Qué viva Cristo Rey! Long Live Christ the King!
Rev. Christopher Calderón, S.J.