Religious Sponsorship Collaboration
Religious Sponsorship Collaboration
Religious Sponsorship refers to the unique relationship of oversight, endorsement and support by a group that commits to advancing the teaching ministry of Jesus.
A religious community, such as the Society of Jesus ( Jesuits) or the Sisters of Mercy, encourage their sponsored ministries to infuse their mission in the life of the school to enable the graduates to take their rightful place in Church and society steeped in that mission.
Cristo Rey High School continues to be blessed by the active participation and presence of members of both the Sisters of Mercy and the Jesuits in the daily life of our school. Our collaboration with local and regional partners in mission allows for the ongoing formation of the students and faculty in the rich traditions of the Sisters of Mercy and the Jesuits. Our mission is grounded in the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy and the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Jesuits. This collaboration will enable CRHSS students to embrace both missions in a unified fashion as they embody the values presented to them throughout their high school career. What a rich legacy these students inherit!
Want to know more about The Jesuits or The Sisters of Mercy?
The Society of Jesus Vocation Link
The Sisters of Mercy Vocation Link
Mercy Profile of a Graduate .pdf